Saturday, March 9, 2024

First Q of 2024

We haven't traveled since last year, but that's no excuse for my failure to share news and views from southern California, so here's a peek into our lives in recent months, starting with food:

Farmer's market haul

Homemade flatbread and daily salads

Ramen in new bowls w/chopsticks

Walnut cranberry whole wheat bread



I've been experimenting with texture and gold paint in portraiture.

Friends and family have been our focus.

Hannah and Charlotte with us on vacation in Rancho Mirage.

Celebrating the arrival of Sweeta and Avina with the Osmanis.

Caring for Pa.

Holidays and celebrations.

Johamy and Matt visited for New Year's.

Rhoo and Megan visited, too. (With Fuddle and Tag.)

This year of nesting has also meant new bookcases and rugs, home repairs, hikes, beach walks, writing, real estate, accounting and financial planning, long morning conversations over many cups of coffee, and a purposeful settling into place during the winter and early spring. 

What's on the horizon next?

January 2025

We lost Allan this month. He was 92 and lived a full, rich and meaningful life. We are grieving, but also living his philosophy to always lo...