Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hells Canyon Outing

So much fun today! Drove to Lewiston/Clarkston area (yes, named after Lewis and Clark). The first part of the ride is through hundreds of beautiful, wheat-covered hills on the Palouse. Then we dropped down into Lewis/Clark Canyon, which is essentially a giant river gorge created by the Snake and Clearwater rivers (something to do with glaciers, too).

Drove about 30 miles downriver to see stunning rock formations and 4,500-year-old petroglyphs at Buffalo Eddy.

And then to cool off, a climb down the banks of the Snake River for a refreshing swim and snack on the beach.
Finished the day with dinner at Black Cypress in Pullman.

Spring time is fun time

April is not the cruelest month this year. In fact, it's been filled with great writing days, sunny weather, time with friends and natur...