Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Nowhere to Go, Now What?

As of today, we're 10 months into relative lockdown because of Covid. It's been a trying near-year in many ways: loss of travel, loss of work, loss of income, loss of theatrical camaraderie, lag in creativity, boredom, and, of course, missing the joy of celebrating life's special and quotidian moments with family and friends. We've both done a lot of personal work this year as we've weathered the proverbial super-storm. We've learned new things. We've Zoomed into oblivion. We've cooked and baked and cooked some more. And I've walked around the neighborhood, past the same houses, on the same streets, way more than I ever planned to. It's all worth something, and we're still here.

Thus, I share pix of a different kind, of an internal landscape, a melange of finds, a collaborative poem of stuff assembled. Birds and Bees, Rocks and Trees.

Stay safe. Be healthy. xo

Spring time is fun time

April is not the cruelest month this year. In fact, it's been filled with great writing days, sunny weather, time with friends and natur...