Sunday, August 6, 2017

Creede: Week 1

This is Creede...

... once a silver mining town high in the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado. We're here for a gig at Creede Repertory Theatre, but already, living here for a month feels like a gift. Fresh, cool, clean mountain air. Stunning scenery. Myriad trails for hiking and mountain biking. Clear lakes and rivers. Sunny mornings on the back porch with coffee in hand and birds singing, rabbits nibbling on wildflowers and grasses below, and this view (above) of the town, where we've met only the nicest people. Week 1 of our month here has been, well, pretty close to perfect. 

Our truck and teardrop parked outside our house -- actually Chere Waters' house. Chere owns Waters Gallery in town, where she showcases some beautiful and exceptional art created in Colorado and New Mexico. Chere is a wonderful, friendly, big-spirited human, and her house has that artsy, Laguna Beach vibe, which makes us feel right at home.

These pix (above and below) were taken on a hike above town called the Up and Over, which is a rite of passage for Creede Rep company members. It's challenging because of the elevation and altitude, but so worth losing your breath because of its stunning 360 degree beauty.

Creede's headwaters flow into the Rio Grande River, which defines the valley that heads in and out of town. We drove along the river for about 25 miles yesterday,, stopping here and there to get a closer look. Haven't broken out the fishing gear yet, but John's contemplating catching some trout.

He's mostly enjoying his free time exploring the valley on foot and on bike. 

One of his favorite spots so far: Seepage Lake (above). 

Stay tuned for week 2 and rehearsal pix.

Spring time is fun time

April is not the cruelest month this year. In fact, it's been filled with great writing days, sunny weather, time with friends and natur...