Sunday, October 22, 2023

Goodbye, Vienna

We had a great time in Vienna, and both John and I agree that we’d love to return, as there is so much more we’d like to do here (art museums, opera, history, food & friends). We were very fortunate that Cecile invited us to her flat for brunch today. We so enjoyed meeting her family, and relaxing “at home,” as one of the challenges of long travel is always having to find food, and its easy to tire of restaurant meals. 

Noah, 11, plays soccer in the house while waiting for food.

I made him look at me.

Cecile in the sunlight.

Roland and John got along masterfully, and the discussions were fun, funny and lively. Arthur, 17, said a brief hello, but is in bed nursing a broken foot. Sadly I don’t have a photo of Lea, 20, but she’s brilliant and beautiful. I do hope we all meet again.

After brunch, we took a nice walk to the Hundertwasserhaus, built in 1985 as an eco-housing experiment.

The design is so loved that Austrian artist Hundertwasser has similarly designed buildings worldwide.

The apartments include green outdoor spaces on the balconies, roof and adjacent to the building in what has become known as Hundertwasser Village.

Even the support columns are colorful and fun as well as functional.

Each window is different.

So we must say Goodbye, Vienna. Thank you. It’s time to head east for the final leg of our adventure.

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