Wednesday, July 17, 2019


We've had a lot of rain and snowmelt this year, making Creede incredibly green and beautiful. Here are a few recent pix.

John is camouflaged among the greenery and aspen trees. 

Aspen regrowth in an area scorched by wildfire.

The wildflower bloom is colorful and plentiful.
This giant bloom looks like a succulent, but it's not. Anyone know its name?

The hills are alive with color...

...and the streams are full.

Although most mornings are sunny, thunderheads roll in nearly every day in what locals call "the monsoon season."

On the "up and over" trail above Creede, the forested hillside is covered in moss.

Even our cabin is decked out in flowers, thanks to Patty K., whose plants we're tending while she's on vacation. Who needs a vacation from Creede when it's this beautiful?

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Chicago miscellania

Made a quick trip to Chicago to visit Charlotte and Hannah. 
Our stay at the Lincoln Hotel offered a beautiful view of the sunrise over Lake Michigan.

I took daily walks through Lincoln Park to see the Chicago skyline.

Also visited the Lincoln Park Zoo, where I sat with the silverbacks...


and a polar bear, who was not particularly happy with the warm summer weather.

Finally, here's Hannah doing her best to be supportive of Charlotte, 
who was recovering from surgery and needed to take lots of naps. 

All in all, a good visit and a relaxing few days with the ones I love most.

Spring time is fun time

April is not the cruelest month this year. In fact, it's been filled with great writing days, sunny weather, time with friends and natur...